Community Safety Review RFQ Contact Form

The City of Urbana is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide a detailed review of the methods for providing services related to community safety. The intent is to reconsider the traditional roles of public safety departments (specifically, police and fire) as well as other City departments, as appropriate. The goal is to promote community safety and well-being in ways that minimize harm related to race, poverty, and other social factors.

The selected respondent team will have the qualifications and staff resources necessary to perform an analysis of existing conditions, research alternative models, prepare a cost analysis, and develop a transition plan. The successful team will provide services for City of Urbana as outlined under Scope of Work. The City is looking for a team that has expertise in both traditional public safety reviews as well as innovative approaches to assist the City in developing locally-tailored recommendations given operational needs, financial constraints, and multi-jurisdictional collaboration.