Urbana Awards and Community Highlights
Urbana Awards
Urbana Receives Award for Water Plan
The Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association has recognized Urbana's Sustainable Water Management Plan as a 2015 Illinois State Planning Award Winner in the Sustainability category. The Association's press release stated the award winners "exemplify the practice of urban planning and each stand as an example of ways our members are "Making Great Communities Happen"."
Urbana's Sustainable Water Management Plan includes ambitious, but achievable Goals for water conservation within City-owned buildings, region-wide coordination, consideration of conservation rules for new private developments, and public engagement in conservation activities addressing businesses and residents. All Actions in the Plan are intended to be completed between the date of adoption in 2013 and January 1, 2020 with the exception of certain Actions that shall be ongoing. More Information
UPTV Wins Two Awards in Regional Competition
The City of Urbana is pleased to announce that Urbana Public Television will receive two awards at the 3rd Annual Best of the Midwest Invitational Video Fest and Awards Banquet. The banquet recognizes the best community access television programs in the Midwest. More Information
National Community Media Awards
The City of Urbana is pleased to announce that Urbana Public Television (UPTV) has won two national awards at the Alliance for Community Media’s annual conference in Philadelphia, PA. Each year the Alliance’s Hometown Media Awards competition recognizes and honors the best community-access television programs in the United States. More Information
Tree City USA
Urbana has received national recognition by being named a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters every year since 1976.
Urbana has also received the Tree City USA Growth Award since 1992. This award is for demonstration of progress in its community forestry program in the following activity areas:
- Education and Public Relations
- Planning and Management
- Tree Planting and Maintenance
The growth award was created to recognize environmental improvement and higher levels of tree care in Tree City USA communities.
Bicycle Friendly Community
Urbana was named a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.
Urbana recently acheived a Gold Award.