Submitted by admin on March 23, 2015 - 2:58pm Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 - 19:00 Regular meeting of the Urbana City Council Committee of the Whole. City Council Meeting Video AttachmentSize 04/27/15 Agenda13.14 KB Resolution Approving the Champaign-Urbana Solid Waste Disposal System Annual Budget (FY 2015-2016)98.26 KB Ordinance Approving a Redevelopment Agreement First Amended and Restated with Frasca Associates (906 and 1402 East Airport Road)558.03 KB Ordinances Amending Urbana City Code Chapter Fourteen, Section 14-7, Regarding Schedule of Fees483.9 KB Ordinance Amending the City Code (Increasing number of Class G-2 liquor licenses for Dotty's, 2740 S. Philo Rd, Ste. B)268.22 KB Ordinance Amending the City Code (Increasing number of Class G-2 liquor licenses for Ruby's IV, 510 N. Cunningham Ave.)268.78 KB Ordinance Amending the City Code (Increasing number of Class G-1 liquor licenses for Emma's, 114 N. Vine St.)181.07 KB Ordinance Amending the City Code (Increasing number of Class G-1 liquor licenses for Toro Loco Inc., 1601 N. Cunningham Ave.)268.01 KB Ordinance Amending the City Code (Increasing number of Class G-1 liquor licenses for Milo's, 2870 S. Philo Rd.)268.39 KB 04/27/15 Approved Minutes26.67 KB