Show Urbana Some Love

Shop LocallyThis February show Urbana some love by shopping locally.

Starting a business has long been a pathway to the middle class, and a way to success. By supporting local entrepreneurs, you invest in a future that works for all of us.

When you shop locally owned businesses you create a ripple effect. It starts with your own experience, and the benefits that come from shopping locally owned independent stores, like getting to rely on local retailers’ expertise. But then, the effects keep going. By shopping at local stores, you connect with your community. You strengthen your local economy. And finally, as the circle of ripples extends out, you cast a vote for the American dream.

Here’s what happens when you shop with a locally owned business — starting with you. You Benefit from expertise. After all local business know the community you live in. We know the climate (and how the climate can change … in Urbana!) We know local industries and local support; we know trends; we know our community! You connect with your community. You may find yourself bumping into friends; hiring the friend of a friend of a friend . . . trading with neighbors. By doing business in your community you create stronger social ties.

Remember local businesses make communities work. You strengthen your local community. Local businesses hire local people, pay local taxes and source goods locally. When you shop locally you expand opportunities where you live. You cast a vote for the American dream! By supporting local entrepreneurs, you invest in the future that works for all of US! 


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Last modified:Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 13:38
- Author: BridgetB