Closed - Request for Quotes: Fire Hose

Date: December 27, 2018 - 4:00pm


The Urbana Fire Department is seeking quotes for fire hose.

Quotes should include pricing for the following:

  1. 1.75” X 50’ DJ800 (or equivalent) fire hose, assorted colors, stenciled.
  2. 2.50” X 50’ DJ800 (or equivalent) fire hose, assorted colors, stenciled.
  3. 3.00” X 50’ DJ800 (or equivalent) fire hose, assorted colors, stenciled.
  4. 5.00” X 50’ Hydroflow (or equivalent) LDH fire hose, yellow, stenciled.
  5. 5.00” X 100’ Hydroflow (or equivalent) LDH fire hose, yellow, stenciled.

Quotes should include shipping costs to Urbana Fire Station 1, located at 400 S. Vine Street, Urbana, Illinois.

All quotes will be considered until 4:00 PM on December 27, 2018.

Quotes should be emailed to Division Chief Kyle Hensch at

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Last modified:Friday, December 28, 2018 - 15:36
- Author: FemiF