TUFLCommunity Survey

TUFL Community SurveyIt’s All About U, Urbana! We value your opinion, and we NEED your thoughts for another valued resource in our City, The Urbana Free Library.

TUFL is depending on you to help with their strategic planning process.

They are conducting a survey to learn more about our community members, what you value about the Library, what services and programs you use, and what you would like to see from the Library in the future as part of our strategic planning process.

Further, even if you do not have a Library card or have not visited the Library in the last year, your responses are important for future planning purposes. If you have used the Library in the past year, please think about your experiences with our collections, services, programs, staff, and facilities when responding to this survey.

Please go here to take this important survey. Thank you for helping The Urbana Free Library gather this all-important information!

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Last modified:Friday, May 3, 2019 - 15:05
- Author: BridgetB