Invitation to Bid: Philo Rd. and Boneyard Crossing Maintenance (#2021-11)

Sealed bids will be received at the Urbana Public Works Department for Solicitation #2021-11, Philo Rd. and Boneyard Crossing Maintenance

The City of Urbana, Illinois seeks bids from qualified contractors to provide all supervision, labor, tools and equipment, which will include watering, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, graffiti removal and maintaining landscape areas within the public right-of-ways along Philo Road from Colorado Avenue to Florida Avenue and Boneyard Crossing from Griggs Street to Broadway Avenue. The successful respondent shall provide the necessary equipment and personnel to perform the services in a professional manner consistent with customs and practices in the industry.

Please register below to receive bid documents and specifications, and any subsequent addenda.

Bids will be received through 1:30 PM, Thursday January 28, 2021, and at said time, the bids shall be opened and read publicly.

The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities or technicalities.