2015 Storm Sewer Cleaning and Televising Project

Date: December 1, 2015 - 5:00pm

Beginning Thursday, October 1, 2015 National Power Rodding Corp. from Chicago, Illinois will be performing sewer cleaning and televising inspections for 33,800 lineal feet of storm sewer pipe at various locations around Urbana.

The cleaning and televising of the storm sewers allows the City to maintain the integrity of the storm sewer system by ensuring that it is functioning properly and identifying deficiencies in the sewer pipes that need to be repaired. This is done with robotic cameras, vacuum excavation equipment, and high pressure water cleaning equipment.

Maps of the areas affected by the cleaning and televising are available at:

One or more travel lanes of a street may be closed at the cleaning and televising locations to accommodate the Contractor’s equipment and set-up. Generally, cleaning and televising are completed within one day at the location so any traffic impacts will be temporary.

The Storm Sewer Cleaning and Televising Project is funded by revenues from the Stormwater Utility Fee.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience while this project is underway.

Last modified:Monday, November 2, 2015 - 11:52
- Author: admin