Sealed BIDS will be received until 2:00 P.M. prevailing time on August 1 2022 and opened and read aloud publicly at 2:05 P.M. prevailing time on August 1, 2022 at the office of the City Arborist, 706 South Glover, Urbana, Illinois, 61802 for the PHILO ROAD AND BONEYARD CROSSING LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS. No further questions will be addressed following 4:00 P.M. July 22, 2022.
These contracts will include watering, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, graffiti removal and maintaining landscape areas within the public right-of-ways along Philo Road from Colorado Avenue to Florida Avenue and Boneyard Crossing from Griggs Street to Broadway Avenue.
Register online at the City of Urbana website: to receive bid documents and specifications.