Department Posts

CLOSED Invitation to Bid #2223-10 Landfill Vegetation Maintenance Services

September 14, 2022 - 10:30am to September 19, 2022 - 2:00pm

Summary: The City and the Champaign-Urbana Solid Waste Disposal System (CUSWDS) is seeking services for rough cut or bush hog mowing and silt fence removal at the closed CUSWDS Landfill located 901 N. Smith Rd. Urbana, IL  61802.

The Bid Document is attached below.

CLOSED-Invitation to Bid Section 22-00657-ST Pavement Marking 2022 (Solicitation 2223-11)

Sealed BIDS for the construction of Pavement Marking 2022 (Section 22-00657-00-ST) including: paint pavement marking lines and modified urethane pavement marking symbols at various locations, that will be received by the City of Urbana at the Public Works Department, 706 South Glover, Urbana, Illinois 61802 until 2:00 PM prevailing time on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 and publicly opened and read aloud at said office.


The plans and proposals are each a call for bids containing all requirements governing the letting and performance of the particular contract including but not limited to any applicable requirements for the payment of prevailing rates of wages for labor as required by law. Any questions regarding individual plans and proposals should be directed to the City of Urbana Public Works Department.

CLOSED- Invitation to Bid Section 22-00656-00-SC, Bituminous Surface Treatment 2022 (Solicitation 2223-08)

Sealed BIDS for the construction of Bituminous Surface Treatment 2022 (Section 22-00656-00-SC) including: bituminous surface treatment (preventative maintenance) with crushed steel slag, that will be received by the City of Urbana at the Public Works Department, 706 South Glover, Urbana, Illinois 61802 until 2:15 PM prevailing time on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 and publicly opened and read aloud at said office.

CLOSED- Invitation to Bid Section 22-00650-00-PP, Pavement Patching 2022 (Solicitation 2223-07)

Sealed BIDS for the construction of Pavement Patching 2022 (Section 22-00650-00-PP) including: class B concrete patching on Race Street from Windsor Road to Florida Avenue, that will be received by the City of Urbana at the Public Works Department, 706 South Glover, Urbana, Illinois 61802 until 2:00 PM prevailing time on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 and publicly opened and read aloud at said office.

The plans and proposals are each a call for bids containing all requirements governing the letting and performance of the particular contract including but not limited to any applicable requirements for the payment of prevailing rates of wages for labor as required by law. Any questions regarding individual plans and proposals should be directed to the City of Urbana Public Works Department. All bidders are required to provide evidence of current prequalification with the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Each proposal shall be accompanied by a bid bond according to BLRS Special Provision for Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Material Proposals.

CLOSED Invitation to Bid: Philo Road and Boneyard Crossing Landscape Maintenance (Solicitation #2223-02)

Sealed BIDS will be received until 2:00 P.M. prevailing time on August 1 2022 and opened and read aloud publicly at 2:05 P.M. prevailing time on August 1, 2022 at the office of the City Arborist, 706 South Glover, Urbana, Illinois, 61802 for the PHILO ROAD AND BONEYARD CROSSING LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS. No further questions will be addressed following 4:00 P.M. July 22, 2022.

These contracts will include watering, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, graffiti removal and maintaining landscape areas within the public right-of-ways along Philo Road from Colorado Avenue to Florida Avenue and Boneyard Crossing from Griggs Street to Broadway Avenue.

Register online at the City of Urbana website: to receive bid documents and specifications.