FOIA Request Form
Request for Copies or Inspection of Public Records pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act
- All fields denoted with an asterisk * are required fields and must be filled in to submit the form.
- If you do not receive an email confirmation after submitting the form, please check your email's Junk mailbox.
The City of Urbana values the privacy of its citizens and redacts personal and private information where allowed under FOIA. If you prefer your own personal and/or private information to remain un-redacted within the records provided in response to this request, you must fill in and sign a separate FOIA Redaction Waiver form and provide proof of your identity. The FOIA Redaction Waiver form is available at the City Clerk's Office.
Please do not reply to the email confirmation with questions or requests. For additional information, contact FOIA Officer Ross McNeil.