CLOSED: Invitation to Bid: Street Can Waste Collection Services
Location Container, # Frequency 1 Year Annual Totals
1a) Downtown(Apr.- Oct.) 36 gal (40) 2/week $_______________
1b) Downtown (Nov.- Mar.) 36 gal (40) 1/week $_______________
2) S. Philo Rd. 35 gal (6) 1/week $_______________
3) Market (May - Nov.) 90 gal (6) 1/week $_______________
ONE YEAR ANNUAL TOTAL $_______________
1. Summary: The City is seeking services for collection and disposal of municipal solid waste from City of Urbana street cans.
2. Specifications:
a. The materials to be collected shall be municipal waste as defined herein.
b. All municipal wastes collected shall be transported and disposed of in a lawfully permitted landfill facility which is operating in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
c. The Successful Respondent shall provide municipal waste collection service year-round during the term of the contract entered into by the Successful Respondent and the City to the locations indicated in Table 1. The City reserves the right to add or reduce the locations, containers or collection frequency during the term of the contract to be entered into by the Successful Respondent and the City, at a mutually agreed price.
d. The term of the Contract to be entered into by the Successful Respondent and the City shall be October 14, 2019 through November 1, 2021 unless otherwise renewed in a writing signed by the duly authorized respective officers or agents of the Parties.
e. Collection service shall not occur prior to 6:00 a.m. nor later than 8:00 p.m. The “Downtown” service locations in Table 1 and as depicted on the enclosed map shall only be collected between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
f. The Successful Respondent may recognize and abstain from services on the following holidays for the purpose of the Contract: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. Service shall be resumed on the day following the holiday.
g. Prices quoted in Table 1 should be inclusive of any permits, fees, labor, or delivery costs relevant to the services described in this Invitation. No such fees shall be assessed to the City.