C-U Safe Routes to School Bicycle Rodeo

Date: May 18, 2013 - 9:30am to 11:30am

C-U Safe Routes to School Bicycle Rodeo Bike Rodeo

When: May 18th 9:30 – 11:30 AM

Where: The south side of Illinois Street, across from the Walnut Street entrance to Urbana’s Market at the Square, on the corner of Illinois and Vine Streets in downtown Urbana

May 18th C-U SRTS Project is offering a Bicycle Rodeo. Bike Rodeos are an opportunity for parents and children to learn how to be safe when bicycling and to practice some basic bicycling skills.

The Bicycle Rodeo is scheduled for May 18th at the Market at the Square and will include:

  • A Welcome Station for parents to sign-in and get a “report card” for each child as well as safety information and a Champaign-Urbana Area Bicycle Map to take home
  • A Helmet Station for helmet fitting and sales ($10/helmet)
  • A Bike Inspection Station for bicycle safety checks and information on bicycle sizing
  • Skills Stations that will include activities such as starting and stopping, turning and yielding, scanning and signaling

Every child who participates in the Bicycle Rodeo is a winner! Each rider will get a completed “Report Card” that indicates what skills they practiced and if they need to practice any skills further. In addition, a token reward is provided to every child. For parents it is an opportunity to learn about the ways they can help their children to be safe while bicycling. Most importantly, the Bike Rodeo is fun! Riding a bike provides children with a sense of freedom and accomplishment and C-U SRTS Project want to help kids have fun and be safe.

We hope to see you there!

Last modified:Thursday, September 29, 2016 - 09:57
- Author: Visitor