Department Posts

CLOSED RFP #1112-09 Northwest Urbana Streetlight Replacement Design and Construction Engineering Services

February 15, 2012 - 4:30pm

Proposals will be received at the Office of the Director of Public Works, 706 S. Glover Avenue, City of Urbana, Illinois, for: Northwest Urbana Streetlight Replacement Design and Construction Engineering Services.

The deadline for submission of Proposals is by end of business day (4:30 p.m.) on Wednesday, February 15, 2012. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive irregularities or technicalities.

CLOSED RFP #1112-08 Campus Area Series Streetlight Replacement Design Engineering Services

February 15, 2012 - 4:30pm

Proposals will be received at the Office of the Director of Public Works, 706 S. Glover Avenue, City of Urbana, Illinois, for: Campus Area Series Streetlight Replacement Design Engineering Services.

The deadline for submission of Proposals is by end of business day (4:30 p.m.) on Wednesday, February 15, 2012. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive irregularities or technicalities.

CLOSED RFP #1112-07 Parking Lot Lighting Replacement Design and Construction Engineering Services

February 15, 2012 - 4:30pm

Proposals will be received at the Office of the Director of Public Works, 706 S. Glover Avenue, City of Urbana, Illinois, for: Parking Lot Lighting Replacement Design and Construction Engineering Services.

The deadline for submission of Proposals is by end of business day (4:30 p.m.) on Wednesday, February 15, 2012. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive irregularities or technicalities.

Request for Bid: Backhoe Loader

December 19, 2011 - 10:00am

Bids will be received at the Office of the Director of Public Works, City of Urbana, Illinois, for One (1) Backhoe Loader through 10:00 A.M., Monday, December 19th, 2011, and at said time the bids shall be opened and read publicly.

Specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Director of Public Works, 706 South Glover Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61802 or downloaded below.

The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities or technicalities.

Fall 2011 Leaf Collection Dates

November 28, 2011 - 6:00am to December 2, 2011 - 6:00am

The City of Urbana will provide leaf collection to residents for 4 weeks this Fall:

October 17 - 21

October 31 - November 4

November 14 - 18

November 28 - December 2

*Collection will be made on your regular U-CYCLE day.  Please set bags out by 6:00 AM at the curb or right-of-way.

Residents must follow these requirements:

Place leaves and non-woody plant material into 30-gallon paper lawn and garden bags.  No plastic bags.

Only leaves and non-woody plant material accepted.  No brush, tree limbs or garbage.

Questions?  Call 384-2416