ARMS Policy Board

The Area-Wide Records Management System (ARMS) Policy Board oversees the ARMS program, as prescribed by the inter-governmental ARMS Agreement. ARMS is a software program used to manage police records electronically.

Each of the five member jurisdictions has a seat on the board, and is represented by the Chief of Police (Sheriff for the County) or their delegate. The five member jurisdictions are Champaign County Sherriff’s Office, Champaign Police Department, Rantoul Police Department, University of Illinois Police Department, and Urbana Police Department.

The ARMS Policy Board meets quarterly, on the third Thursday of February, May, August, and November. Special meetings may be scheduled as required.

Meetings occur in the Council Chambers of Urbana's City building at 400 S. Vine St., Urbana, Illinois. (Unless otherwise noted on the agenda.) Meetings start at 3:00 P.M. and are open to the public.

Agendas, minutes, and attachments for older meetings can be found in the archives: Archive of Agendas and Minutes


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ARMS Policy Board
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ARMS Policy Board
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ARMS Policy Board
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