Sustainability Advisory Commission
The Sustainability Advisory Commission was established in May 2008 (Sec. 2-91) to assist the Mayor and City Council in identifying the highest priorities for city government and citizens to achieve sustainable management of natural resources - water and energy in particular - and shall recommend goals to achieve a workable means to reach these goals.
The Commission consists of seven (7) members appointed by the Mayor, and approved by the City Council, from Urbana residents who have experience, expertise, or interest in the areas of sustainable environmental management. The Commission's initial objective has been the development of the Climate Action Plan to guide the community's efforts to reduce its emissions footprint. The Climate Action Plan includes an inventory of the sources of emissions, sets emissions reduction targets, and proposes actions to meet these emissions reduction targets.
If you are interested in volunteering your time and expertise and want to be considered for appointment to this commission in the event of a vacancy, please contact the Mayor's office for information at (217) 384-2456, or to download a Commission Application, click here.
To email all members of the Commission and its staff:
- Morgan White
- Andrew Stumpf
- Jessica Lemkhul
- Luke Westawker, Chair
- Youth seat (14-18 years) open Apply
The City of Urbana is continually striving to reduce its environmental impact while increasing quality of life and promoting economic vitality. You can access additional Sustainabilty resources through the following links:
Regular Meetings shall be held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers (unless otherwise noted).
Agendas, minutes, and attachments for older meetings can be found in the archives: Archive of Agendas and Minutes
Boards and Commissions Application
Meeting materials can be found here: Agendas/Minutes | City of Urbana Illinois Meetings (
Board/Commission Staff
Staff Member | Contact |
Scott Tess - Sustainability & Resilience Officer |
(217) 384-2381 |