Sump Pump Discharges

Locations with frequent sump pump discharges can create a public nuisance where the water flows across public sidewalks, drives, and streets in-route to the storm sewer or other approved discharge point. Where these discharges result in the growth of algae or mold on sidewalks or streets they create slip hazards to pedestrians. In winter, the excessive discharges can freeze and result in a lasting ice accumulation, which creates additional hazards for pedestrians and vehicles.

When the accumulation of ice or algae creates hazards to the public that are not readily dissipated from the normal weather changes they are considered public nuisances and must be abated within a reasonable period of time.

Section 20-3 of Chapter 20 of the City Code prohibits hazardous sump pump discharges onto public Right-of-Way.

When a public nuisance from sump pump discharge is identified the owner of the property will be notified in writing of the violation and given a timeframe for correction.


- Last Modified -January 15, 2021 - 2:09pm
- Author - Visitor