Grants Management Division


The Grants Division receives and manages over $10 million annually in federal and state grant funding. These funds support affordable housing, community development, and social service needs with the aim of increasing the number of affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income Urbana residents, and improving the overall quality of life in the community. Funds administered by the Division support a variety of local service providers in the community, including; Cunningham Township, Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center, C-U at Home, First Followers, Habitat for Humanity, and Champaign County Regional Planning Commission.

Federal Funding

Federal funding comes primarily from two U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grant programs: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME). Since 2020, the Division has received $2,665,419 in CDBG funding, and $6,184,109 in HOME funding. This includes a total of $3,600,588 for COVID-19 relief and response between the two programs. These funds have impacted low- to moderate- impact Urbana residents through the following programs:

• $1.4 million in grants to non-profit agencies that provide housing and case management services to individuals experiencing homelessness

• $500,000 in grants to non-profits through the City’s Youth Services Grant Program

• 56 low-income households assisted through the Housing Rehabilitation Program

• 16 new affordable homes constructed by Habitat for Humanity of Champaign County

• 3 new affordable rental units developed by First Followers

• 95 low-income households provided with rental assistance

• 318 low- to moderate income residents served through the annual Neighborhood Cleanup Day event

• $500,000 for public infrastructure improvements in low-income target neighborhoods

Federal Reporting

As a recipient of HUD funding, Division staff are responsible for creating and maintaining various plans and reports including the 5-year Consolidated Plan, the Annual Action Plan, and Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report. Non-Federal Funding

Non-Federal Funding

Since 2020, the Division has also managed:

• Over $300,000 in Emergency Solutions Grant funding through the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS)

• $247,918 in Supporting Municipalities for Asylum Seeker Services (SMASS) funding through IDHS

• $2.5 million in funding through the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)

Community Collaboration

As a funder of many housing and social service providers county-wide, it is important for Grants staff to collaborate closely with key stakeholders. Grants staff are actively involved in the Champaign County Continuum of Service Providers to the Homeless (CPH), and have helped plan and execute the annual Point-in-Time Count of homeless individuals as mandated by HUD. In 2023, Staff worked closely with the CSPH Executive Committee in the creation and implementation of a three-year strategic plan to end homelessness in Champaign County. Staff also maintain close relationships with other local funders such as United Way of Champaign County, and the Champaign County Mental Health Board.

- Last Modified -September 10, 2024 - 11:11am
- Author - admin