Urbana HOME Consortium

Urbana HOME Consortium

The Urbana HOME Consortium consists of the City of Urbana, the City of Champaign, and Champaign County (Champaign County Regional Planning Commission). The City of Urbana serves as the lead entity of the Urbana HOME Consortium. The Consortium was originally created to obtain federal grant funds available as part of the HOME Invesment Partnerships Program. HOME funds may be used to further affordable housing initiatives in the area, including: (1) housing acquisition and rehabilitation, (2) new construction, (3) rental rehabilitation, and (4) tenant based rental assistance. Each Consortium member receives a prorated portion of the federal entitlement grant to be used towards their respective programs.

For further information regarding the City of Champaign's programs, please click on the following link to their website:

For further information regardin Champaign County Regional Planning Commission programs, please click the following link to their website:


HOME Community Development Housing Organization

A Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is a nonprofit, community-based organization that develops affordable housing for the community it serves. CHDOs may use HOME funds for all eligible HOME activities. 15 percent of HOME funds are set-aside for CHDO activities. A CHDO must act as the owner, developer, or sponsor of a project that is an eligible set-aside activity. Eligible activities include: the acquisition and/or rehabilitation of rental housing; new construction of rental housing; acquisition and/or rehabilitation of homebuyer properties; new construction of homebuyer properties; and direct financial assistance to purchasers of HOME-assisted housing that has been developed with HOME funds by the CHDO.


CHDO Project & Operating Application 

Certified CHDOs are eligible to apply for project and operating assistance through the Urbana HOME Consortium on an annual basis. Application materials will be posted at the start of the application period in December. For more information on the CHDO program and how to apply, please contact

- Last Modified -September 10, 2024 - 11:22am
- Author - admin