About the CPRB

About CPRB

The Urbana Civilian Police Review Board (CPRB) is a city board, with subpoena power, established by Mayor Prussing and the Urbana City Council in 2011 to provide a fair and independent process for the review of citizen complaints concerning sworn police officers. The Board is not a part of the police department.

Charged with offering a citizen’s perspective to the review of complaints and to provide a systematic means to promote and maintain positive police-community relations, the Board reviews complaints in a fair, thorough and timely manner and reports board findings to the Mayor and Chief of Police. 

In fulfillment of its mission, the Board:

  • Provides a systematic means by which to achieve continuous improvement in police community interactions.
  • Provides oversight of internal police investigations through review of such investigations.
  • Provides an independent process for review of citizen complaints.
  • Oversees a monitoring system for tracking receipt of complaints lodged against sworn officers.
  • Adds a citizen perspective to the evaluation of these complaints.
  • Contributes to timely, fair and objective review of citizen complaints.
  • Provides fair treatment to and protect the rights of police officers.
  • Reviews the display and use of TASERs by the Urbana Police Department and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the mayor, the city council, and the chief of police concerning their display and use. 

Enabling Legislation

The Urbana Civilian Police Review Board was established as an all-civilian board in 2011. Chapter 19-20 of the City Code sets forth its jurisdiction, powers and duties.

Chapter 19-20 cover various aspects of the board’s operations, including: how complaints can be made, what happens to them once they are received, how they can be resolved, the mediation process, how the board decides complaints, and what happens after the board closes a case.


- Last Modified -February 12, 2018 - 4:07pm
- Author - admin