Multifamily Recycling Collection Schedule
Recycling is picked up weekly or semiweekly depending upon the size of the multifamily dwelling. The multifamily collection schedule follows these boundaries:
Collection extends east of Wright Street and south of West Green Street to South Lincoln Avenue covering the area from Wright Street to the west side of South Lincoln Avenue south to West Pennsylvania. Collection also extends from east of South Lincoln Avenue and encompasses the area between West Green Street and West California Avenue to Cottage Grove.
Collection extends south of East Washington Street and Cottage Grove Avenue to the intersection of East Florida and Cottage Grove, and extends east to High Cross Road. Collection also extends from south of Florida Avenue and Race Street east to High Cross Road and south to Windsor Road, including the Myra Ridge subdivision.
Collection covers the area east of South Lincoln and West California avenues to Cottage Grove south to Florida Avenue. Collection also covers the small area west of South Lincoln and West Pennsylvania avenues to Maryland Drive south to West Florida Avenue.
Collection covers the area east of Wright Street and south of West Springfield to Green Street. Collection also extends south of the intersection of East Main and Cottage Grove to East Washington and continues east to High Cross Road. Collection also includes the Beringer Commons area.
Collection extends northward from the area east of Wright Street and north of Main Street east to Hartle Avenue.