How the Program Works

tree close upNomination. Any Urbana resident can nominate any tree in Urbana. Nomination Form

Check out the Notable Trees list identified by City Arbor staff. Is there one in your neighborhood that you would like to nominate for Legacy status? Or do you know of another tree we may have overlooked? Please help us preserve and protect all of these living legends in our community.

Consent. Participation in the Legacy Tree Program is voluntary, and the property owner must consent to having the tree evaluated and designated. If your tree is nominated, the City Arborist will contact you to seek written consent to evaluate and potentially designate your tree. If the tree is on public property, the Public Works Director must provide consent.

The City has adopted a formal process to follow when a property owner wishes to have his/her healthy tree taken out of the Legacy program. A process is also in place for removal of private property Legacy trees that are in poor health and decline beyond repair. Full details on both of these procedures are included in the Legacy Tree Owner’s Participation Guide.

Evaluation. If the property owner of the nominated tree provides written consent to participate in the Legacy Tree Program, the City Arborist evaluates the tree, using the eight Legacy Assessment criteria referenced on the Legacy Tree Criteria page, along with the following two additional assessments:

  1. Locale Assessment to ensure the tree is visible from the public right-of-way and located far enough from overhead utilities; and
  2. Condition Assessment to ensure the tree’s health meets the established standards of the Program.

The City Arborist then submits his/her Legacy Tree assessment findings on the nominated tree to the Urbana Tree Commission, along with a recommendation on whether the nominated tree should be designated as a Legacy Tree.

Designation. Upon receiving the City Arborist’s recommendation and the completion of any individual inspections, the Urbana Tree Commission will then consider whether the nominated tree qualifies under the Legacy Tree Assessment. The Commission may designate the nominated tree as a Legacy Tree by a majority vote of all voting members who are present and voting.

For designated Legacy Trees on private property, the property owner will receive:

  • recognition in annual publication and on the City’s Legacy Tree Walking Tour
  • free tree assessment and tree care advice from the City Arborist
  • 5 yards of free mulch
  • recognition certificate
  • other potential benefits granted by the City of Urbana
PDF icon List of Notable Trees in Urbana56.55 KB
- Last Modified -June 17, 2016 - 3:36pm
- Author - admin