Legacy Tree Criteria
A tree or group of trees can be designated for Legacy status by the Urbana Tree Commission if one or more of the following standards is met, according to City of Urbana Ordinance No. 2013-04-027.
- Size: The tree is in the top one percent of tree sizes of its inventoried species in Urbana.
- Rarity: One of a kind tree due to species type, characteristic and/or a species of less than one percent of all inventoried trees in Urbana.
- Historic or Notable Event: There is a documented association with an historic event of 75 or more years ago and/or a more recent event of notable worth.
- Age: The tree is more than 100 years old, or a minimum of 75 years old when adjacent to a historically designated home.
- Special Ecological Value: The tree is shown to provide soil stabilization, an important genetic resource, or offers critical habitat for important plant or animal species.
- Location: The tree is considered of public value as a prominent visual focal point as viewed from public streets and right-of-ways.
- Aesthetics: The tree has a distinct or unusually appealing visual characteristic.
- Illinois or National Register of Big Trees: The tree is included in the Illinois or National register of Big Trees.
Note: If the nominated tree is on public property, the Public Works Director must provide consent. If the tree is on private property, the owner must consent to participate in the program.