Vacation Watch
The Urbana Police Department offers a service to the community that provides for officers to periodically check your residence when you are out of the area for extended periods of time.
You may either call in or e-mail the information to the Police Department.
Phone: (217) 384-2320 and request to be added to Vacation Watch
(Please put VACATION WATCH in the subject line)
Please provide the following information:
- Address
- Name of resident (including cell phone or emergency contact number)
- Departure and return date
- Name and telephone number of a key holder (someone the police can contact in the event there is a problem discovered at the residence.)
- Will there be lights left on in the house? Are they on timers?
- Will there be vehicles left in the driveway? If so, list color, make, model and license plate number.
- Will someone be checking on the house (mail, looking after pets, watering plants)?
Please be sure to call the Police Department, if you return earlier than stated.
** Just a reminder to stop mail and newspaper delivery, unless someone is taking care of this for you.