Public Works

Our mission:  The Urbana Public Works Department promotes growth in the City of Urbana by maintaining, constructing and improving the City's infrastructure.  We preserve the quality of life for the citizens, visitors, businesses and government agencies (both within the City and in the surrounding areas).  Our department strives to provide prompt and courteous service in a professional, efficient and cost-effective manner to safeguard the safety, health and welfare of those we serve.

Our motto:  Urbana Public Works Department--Working for You

706 S. Glover Ave.
61802 Urbana , IL
M-F 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
(217) 384-2342
PDF icon Public Works Organization Chart.pdf436.35 KB

Department Posts

The City of Urbana is accepting proposals for provision of electric vehicle charging as a service to be located at the City of Urbana Parking Garage and/or other City owned properties by mutual consent. Please Register online at RFP: EV Charging Stations (Solicitation #2223-19)- Contact Form | City of Urbana ( to receive bid documents and Qualifications. 
Post date: Friday, October 28, 2022 - 16:33
You are invited to provide pricing for groundwater, surface water, and landfill leachate sampling services as described in the attached document.  Email to or deliver to 706 S. Glover Ave. Urbana, IL 61802 by 2:00pm day October 17, 2022.
Post date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 15:34
City of Urbana Invitation to Bid #2223-13 Sealed bids will be received at the Urbana Public Works Department for Solicitation #2223-13 Tree and Stump Removal. The City of Urbana, Illinois seeks bids from qualified contractors to provide all supervision, labor, tools, equipment and services required to perform tree and stump removal work in the City of Urbana. The successful respondent shall provide the necessary equipment and personnel to perform the services in a professional manner consistent with customs and practices in the industry.
Post date: Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - 16:57
City of Urbana Invitation to Bid #2223-14 Sealed bids will be received at the Urbana Public Works Department for Solicitation Parking Lot Snow Plowing Services for City of Urbana. The City of Urbana, Illinois seeks bids from qualified contractors to provide snow plowing services for City-owned parking lots identified in the bid documentation.  The successful respondent shall provide the necessary equipment and personnel to perform the services in a professional manner consistent with customs and practices in the snowplowing industry.
Post date: Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - 16:21
The City of Urbana, Illinois seeks bids from qualified vendors for supply and delivery of USL #2 dyed diesel fuel to the Landscap
Post date: Friday, September 30, 2022 - 16:00