Bids and RFPs

NEW! As of May 2023, Urbana now has an eProcurement Portal with OpenGov:

The City of Urbana is transitioning to a new eProcurement system called OpenGov for publishing solicitations, and receiving vendor responses. Register your account early to begin receiving email notifications of bid/RFP postings.  Registration is 100% free for vendors!

1) Follow this link to begin the registration process: 

2) To access the Bid Documents and to subscribe to Urbana’s postings, visit this page:

3) You will need to sign in to OpenGov to access the bid materials.

 After you register, you can then subscribe to organizations from across the Country – not just Urbana!


The City of Urbana promotes Equal Opportunity in the procurement of services. Businesses owned by women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to submit bids and/or proposals. More information about the City’s Equal Opportunity program, may be found on this page:

The City of Urbana will require vendors doing business with the City to complete the Vendor Representations and Additional Duties Form, which may be found here:

All vendors doing business with the City are required to submit a completed W-9 once they are awarded a purchase or contract with the City. A W-9 document may be found here:

Prevailing Wage Act

The Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/1 et seq.) requires contractors or subcontractors to pay prevailing wages to all laborers, workers, and mechanics who perform work on a public works project. Further information, including the current prevailing wage rates, is available on the Illinois Department of Labor’s website at the following link:


Procurements before May 2023 are posted below. Procurements appear in the order they were posted, with the most recent appearing first. Closed procurements will also appear on this page with their title updated to indicate their closed status.

CLOSED-Request for Proposals: Fire Department Records Management System (#2122-50)

April 25, 2022 - 4:00pm

The Urbana Fire Department solicits proposals to implement a comprehensive, cloud-based, turnkey, and fully integrated Records Management System (RMS) solution. As its primary function, the RMS must reliably receive information from the dispatch agency via the computer-aided dispatch (CAD) feed and systematically retain and perform data reporting. As a secondary goal, Urbana hopes to use modules of the RMS to manage processes such as scheduling, time entry, equipment, inspections, and training. 

Venders must register to receive the RFP. Please register using the contact form: Fire Department Records Management System Contact Form 

Responses to the RFP are due by Monday, April 25, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. CST.


CLOSED - Request for Proposals: Wood Lockers (Foreign Fire Insurance Board)

April 12, 2022 - 5:00pm

CLOSED - The Urbana Foreign Fire Insurance Board is seeking proposals for the construction and delivery of twenty-seven (27) solid wood lockers.

Proposals will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on April 12, 2022 at the Urbana Fire Department, 400 S. Vine St., Urbana, IL 61801.

Electronic proposals may be emailed to up to and until the aforementioned deadline.

Register below to receive any subsequent addenda:

Wood Lockers Contact Form


CLOSED - Invitation to Bid: Rain Barrel and Compost Bin Sale (Solicitation #2122-48)

March 18, 2022 - 7:30am to March 31, 2022 - 4:00pm


INVITATION TO BID (ITB #2122-48) The City of Urbana is seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide a one day sale of rain barrels and compost bins. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Public Works Department, 706 Glover Ave, Urbana, Illinois, 61802, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Bids will be accepted up to and no later than 4:00 PM CST, Thursday, March 31, 2022.

The bid documents are posted below.


CLOSED - Invitation to Bid: Turf Care for the City of Urbana (Solicitation #2122-47)

March 29, 2022 - 1:30pm


At 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the City of Urbana will open bids for turf care of specified City of Urbana rights of way and facility lawn areas. The turf care contract will be from April 2022 through December 2023.

Interested bidders are invited to complete the contact form below to obtain a set of bid documents.

Turf Care Contact Form

It is expected that this work will consist of caring for an estimated 10+ acres of lawn area. Illustrations of these areas and their location are included with the bid document.

The Contractor will not be required to pay prevailing wages, but will need to certify that they comply with the City of Urbana’s requirements for non-discrimination and maintenance of a drug-free workplace plus will be required to provide a certificate of insurance as described in the Specifications. In addition, the City may require any bidder to provide a list of references and clients served over the past five years and reserves the right reject bids based on the information received from references.

CLOSED -Request for Proposals: De-Escalation Training for the Police and the Community (Solicitation #2122-46)



The City of Urbana is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide de-escalation training for all sworn police officers in the City of Urbana. This training will be supplemental to the standard training that all Urbana police officers recieve at the University of Illinois Police Training Institute. The intent is to continue to reinforce de-escalation as a foundational approach to police/community interaction in the City of Urbana.


The selected respondent team will have the qualifications and staff resources necessary to develop and deliver a curriculum that will reinforce existing skills and develop new approaches to de-escalation for members of law enforcement. The cirriculum should also include a module for community members that explains the type of training recieved by the law enforcement community related to de-escalation, the roles and responsiblities of the parties involved in a given interaction, and the limitations of de-escalation techniques.





Lt. Zachery Mikalik

Police Department

City of Urbana

(217) 384-2320