Historic Preservation/Neighborhood Conservation


Historic District - An area designated pursuant to procedures which contains, within defined geographic boundaries, buildings, structures, sites or objects which may or may not be landmarks that contribute to the overall historic characteristics of the designated area.

Historic Landmark - A property, building, structure, site or object which is worthy of preservation because of its historic and/or architectural significance to the City of Urbana designated pursuant to procedures prescribed in the Urbana Zoning Ordinance.

The purpose of the Historic Preservation Ordinance is to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the community by:  A) providing a mechanism to identify and preserve the distinctive historic, architectural and/or landscape characteristics of Urbana, which represent elements of the city's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history; B) fostering civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the past as represented in Urbana's landmarks and historic areas; C) stabilizing and improving the property value of Urbana's landmarks and historic areas; D) promoting restoration and rehabilitation by encouraging investment in historic resources; E) ensuring that all of the economic benefits resulting from preservation, including tax incentives, new jobs and renewed buildings, are available to our citizens; and F) preserving the character of historic neighborhoods and especially Urbana's historic downtown buildings and facades.


A Neighborhood Conservation District is an area which contains, within defined geographic boundaries, buildings, structures, sites or objects with unifying qualities or characteristics which are to be conserved.

The purpose of establishing a neighborhood conservation district is to 1) conserve the unqiue characteristics, including architectural, historical and aesthetic qualities, of older neighborhoods; 2) provide for design review of new construction and alteration of existing buildings to ensure compatibility with the existing character of the district; 3) encourage the retention and rehabilitation of existing structures in older neighborhoods; 4) encourage reinvestment in older neighborhoods; 5) protect the setting and context of historic landmarks and historic districts in close proximity to or surrounded by neighborhood conservation districts; and 6) promote quality architectural innovation appropriate to a neighborhood.

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- Last Modified -May 28, 2024 - 12:58pm
- Author - TeriA