Public Works

Our mission:  The Urbana Public Works Department promotes growth in the City of Urbana by maintaining, constructing and improving the City's infrastructure.  We preserve the quality of life for the citizens, visitors, businesses and government agencies (both within the City and in the surrounding areas).  Our department strives to provide prompt and courteous service in a professional, efficient and cost-effective manner to safeguard the safety, health and welfare of those we serve.

Our motto:  Urbana Public Works Department--Working for You

706 S. Glover Ave.
61802 Urbana , IL
M-F 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
(217) 384-2342
PDF icon Public Works Organization Chart.pdf436.35 KB

Department Posts

4th of the Storm Water Advisory Committee (SWAC) to be held at Busey Bank's Board Room at 201 West Main Street.
Post date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 - 14:30
Want to reduce waste at the workplace?  Attend a FREE half-day seminar on ways to reduce waste and recycle more. The Illinois Recycling Association (IRA) and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) invite you to attend a free training workshop introducing the new statewide Online Workplace Recycling Toolkit, developed by Shaw Environmental, Inc. The toolkit can be viewed online.
Post date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 - 10:26
Celebrate America Recycles Day at Anita Purves Nature Center! Ages: All AgesWhen: Saturday, November 13 (10 AM - 2 PM) Where: Anita Purves Nature Center (1505 N Broadway Ave, Urbana)Cost: Free
Post date: Monday, October 25, 2010 - 09:46
The cities of Urbana and Champaign have been working the past several months to produce a video to introduce the public to the bicycle infrastructure that is being installed around both cities and to teach motorists and bicyclists how to interact with each other on the road.  This video was shot, edited and produced locally by Urbana Public Television, led by Jason Liggett.
Post date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - 11:08
Boneyard Creek Improvements - Concept Design -Griggs Street to Broadway Avenue    Meeting will be held at the Urbana Civic Center located at 108 East Water Street  
Post date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010 - 11:35